Collected Repairs
Pre 2007 When a TSOP flash goes bad (R7R3/R7R4)
Here we have a (very) brief write up of a repair I've done for an attempted
TSOP flash gone bad. Fairly straight forward repair and only three
pictures. Hopefully this is useful to anyone whose damaged R7R3/R7R4 on
the bottom of their board. More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 Collected works of damage
In this piece I am not going to detail the various repairs done to these
boards, rather I am going to focus only on the damage done. All of these
boards were repaired (as long as the MCPx survived) using techniques shown in
previous articles. I figured why not compress them all into one feature
and show where the original modder went wrong. Hopefully this saves some
of you from a similar fate ;). More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 When a nuke goes off at the Alt D0
This board turned out to be un-repairable because of damage to the MCPx, but
none the less it is an interesting read and has some wonderful pictures. I
don't often write up repairs anymore, because they are all some variation of
those already on this site. Not this time. This is something new.
I pushed my soldering skills near their limit and learned a couple new things,
even if I did fail to put another notch on my belt for fixing the un-fixable.. More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 An essay in trauma.
An essay in trauma; this now easily is the worst, most badly damaged board I have ever seen . . . bar none.. More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 The viability of repairing this rev 1.0 board
This board was one of a lot of three (actually #2 of 3, but I don't think that
really matters). It did not boot for what soon became fairly obvious
reasons.. More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 Fist time I've seen that before!
This one was interesting.
This week I received in a revision 1.(3/4) Xbox with (guessing a bad top D0? .
. . Wrong!) a shredded
top A0. In this case the person working on this box thought the damage had become
un-repairable. Good for them they were wrong :-). Take a look, some pretty pictures :). More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 Another blown D0 top trace and VIA
Another basic repair.
This week I received in a revision 1.0 xbox with (you guessed it) a shredded
top D0. As luck would have it, the person working on this box knew they
were in over their head and quit before the damage had become
un-repairable. Take a look, some pretty pictures :). More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 One burnt trace and a bit of damage to the LPC (My easiest repair yet!)
This little gem was bought off e-bay for $60.00. I traded the working Thompson out of it to a co-worker for his bad Thompson and $20.00. So here is what I did with a $40.00 fragging xbox.
(all in all not a bad deal).. More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 Job 1, both D0's, memory, & LPC points! (All trashed)
some people shouldn't solder. This is an example of that. Some pretty major damage, but all in all I got it up and running again.. More about: Repairs
Pre 2007 Un-repairable torn-up mess of a D0
I have no idea if I'll ever make it work. Haven't been able to so far. Seriously trashed board.
Now it's spare parts.
*update*: Pretty much stripped now :). More about: Repairs